ONLINE | Gayatri Mantra MEDITATION | 40 Minutes -  via ZOOM @ Annemarie VENUSfrequency
ONLINE | Gayatri Mantra MEDITATION | 40 Minutes -  via ZOOM @ Annemarie VENUSfrequency

ONLINE | Gayatri Mantra MEDITATION | 40 Minutes - via ZOOM


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ONLINE | Gayatri Mantra MEDITATION | 40 Minutes -  via ZOOM @ Annemarie VENUSfrequency
ONLINE | Gayatri Mantra MEDITATION | 40 Minutes -  via ZOOM @ Annemarie VENUSfrequency

„om bhur bhuvah svah

tát savitúr váreniyam

bhárgo devásya dhimahi

dhíyo yó nah pracodáyat”

This 108 x Gayatri Mantra meditation is in service of an awakening of all of humanity to find back to our humanity, higher self and guardians of this earth.

The Gayatri Mantra Mala Meditation is annemarie's sharing of her daily sadhana (sanskrit for practice) as a SEVA (in Service) & free offering LIVE and via Zoom to #raisevibrations and #healtogether Please find times and sign up via

Mantras are ways of using sound vibrations to affect consciousness and receive the benefits of peace of mind. 'Once we recognize that darkness and unconsciousness are the same thing, and all that is considered bad or evil in this world is just unconsciousness, we can begin to see the value of bringing light into the mind.'

GAYATRI does not invoke any deity. Only the primordial and sacred light of awakening and of the divine itself.

All Mantras are powerful in their own right. Specifically the Gayatri Mantra is viewed as one of the most important of all Vedic Mantras.

The most fundamental answer has to do with light itself, which the Gayatri mantra is invoking. Light is an important element because of the power it has over darkness. Darkness does not exist in the presence of direct light.

The Gayatri Mantra is about bringing light into the mind to dispel darkness, which is to say negative energy fields and unconscious patterns. Light is a metaphor for awareness and shining light (awareness) on the darkness (unconscious patterns and things that hold us back in life) is the intention of Meditation and the key technique to self-realization.

Everythingn on earth, inbetween and above Is arising from one effulgent source. If my thoughts, words and deeds reflect this complete understanding of unity, I can then be the peace I am seeking in this moment.

feel free to join the VENUSfrequency tribe (in general any level of contribution opens the entire ONLine Schedule) 

#raisevibrations #healtogether


Sonntag, 22. Dezember 2024


19:00 - 19:40

(40 min)




online via ZOOM



Online Stream

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  • Dieses Studio benutzt Zoom als Streaming Anbieter. Lade dir die entsprechende App auf deinen Laptop, Tablet oder Smartphone herunter

  • Zugang zum Online Stream ist ab 15 Minuten vor Beginn der Aktivität verfügbar. Geh auf "Meine Buchungen" und klicke "Jetzt zur Online-Übertragung" um zum Stream weitergeleitet zu werden

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Annemarie of VENUSfrequency E-RYT 500 unterrichtet Yoga seit 2013 und praktiziert selbst seit über 20 Jahren. Vinyasa Flow, YIN, Yoga Nidra, Meditation, Pranayama, Trance Dance Ritual, Klang Reisen, Reiki & human Energetik. Annemarie's Ziel ist es ein einzigartiges Gefühl von Kraft, Präsenz, Stille und Dynamik und innerer Weisheit in ihren Klassen zu erfahren und vermitteln. Ihre Klassen sind ein sanfter aber kraftvoller Aufruf zu Self-empowerment bzw. Selbstverantwortung, ein spielerisches erleben und sein in PRANA (Lebens-Energie) und kreieren stabiler und sicherer Fundamente. Klassen sind in Englischer und | oder Deutscher Sprache, enthalten Sanskrit, Visualization, Pranayama, Meditation, "carefully curated" Weisheiten und sind auch hin und wieder von Playlists ihrer Radiosendung | Podcast "VENUSfrequency yogic edition" untermalt. Erlebe, Erfahre, sei, deine Lebensenergie.


E-RYT ® 500, Yoga Alliance Qualified Teacher | ID 140414 Hatha, Vinyasa, Power Yoga, Yin, Hot Flow, Pranayama, Meditation, Yoga Nidra, Reiki Master, human Energetik, creative EFT


5,00 €


60,00 €

30 day pass for all ONLine classes

99,00 €

30 day pass for all ONLine & inStudio @ SCHMIDA Classes

10,00 € /

MONTHLY Gayatri Mantra Meditation Membership


54,00 € /

3 MONTH ONLine Membership


84,00 € /

3 MONTH ONLine & inStudio Membership





(Noch keine Bewertungen)


you may cancel up until 15 minutes before class.

session is recorded and will be sent to you anyway for availability over 7 days.

if any other emergencies, please write me via

sun salutations & namaste

ONLINE | Gayatri Mantra MEDITATION | 40 Minutes - via ZOOM


Sonntag, 22. Dezember 2024


19:00 - 19:40

(40 min)

