Vidéothèque 90 min | Strong Core Work & Back Exdending | Claudia

90 min | Strong Core Work & Back Exdending | Claudia

Yoga Iyengar
90 min
Tous les niveaux
Iyengar Yoga Zentrum Berlin
Disponibilité après l'achat
3 semaines
Connectez-vous pour regarder la vidéo


7,99 €Billet à l'unité
70,00 €10er card | Claudia´s Videos
140,00 €10er card | 90 Min | Claudia
56,00 € / moisYoga with Claudiia | 1 x 90 min/ week & video recordings

À propos du cours

This is the full recording of the 19th of Feb 2025 online live class in english with Claudia.

Fokus on lumbar spin long through intense core / abdominal work. Good against back pain and to open the front of the groins.

Not suitable when Menstruating or pregnant!

Props needed:

2 bricks

1 belt

1 -2 chairs or place near sofa or bed to put toes there in halasana.

Any doubts:

À propos de l'entraîneur/professeur

Claudia's teaching is precise, powerful and dynamic. Her motto: Live happily, practice your yoga joyfully - healthier, more powerful and happier through yoga. Claudia: I started yoga at the Yogazentrum Akazienhof with Renate Ockel, whose lifelong enthusiasm, curiosity and profound joy for the subject motivates and influences me to this day. Since 2018 I have been a certified Iyengar Yoga teacher, trained at the Iyengar Yoga Institute Berlin, actively supported by my mentors Katrin Voigt and Elizabeth Brass, founders of the Iyengar Yoga Centre in Berlin-Schöneberg. For the last four years I have been learning in addition with Uday Bhosale, Jayne Orton and Gabriella Giubilaro.