Top 22 Studios für Barre-Training in Wien
Finde klassen und trainings, events, und ausbildungen für barre-training in Wien. Für Anfänger:innen und Fortgeschrittene. Buche einfach online und teile deine Buchung mit deinen Freund:innen.
- Mär
08:20 - 09:20 • 60 min
Barre ClubAnyone who wants an overall toning regimen should try barre. Barre is an innovative workout that combines slow movements with high-intensity intervals to work your entire body. It’s designed for people of all shapes and sizes, so it will challenge even the fittest athletes. The original and most beloved class at Barre Club - Barre SIGNATURE caters to all abilities and is always challenging. In this class, we use a combination of bodyweight resistance, light props, and high repetitions to exhaust all your major muscle groups. The constant change of choreography keeps your mind and muscles guessing. Prenatal clients are welcome to attend this class.
- Adresse:
- Schönbrunner Straße 83, 1050 Wien
- Mär
17:00 - 18:00 • 60 min
Barre ClubAnyone who wants an overall toning regimen should try barre. Barre is an innovative workout that combines slow movements with high-intensity intervals to work your entire body. It’s designed for people of all shapes and sizes, so it will challenge even the fittest athletes. The original and most beloved class at Barre Club - Barre SIGNATURE caters to all abilities and is always challenging. In this class, we use a combination of bodyweight resistance, light props, and high repetitions to exhaust all your major muscle groups. The constant change of choreography keeps your mind and muscles guessing. Prenatal clients are welcome to attend this class.
- Adresse:
- Schönbrunner Straße 83, 1050 Wien
- Mär
Barre Body Training
17:15 - 18:10 • 55 min
NUJUALL LEVELS- Dich erwartet ein intensives Ganzkörpertraining, das Elemente aus Ballett, Pilates und Krafttraining kombiniert. Es fokussiert sich auf die Stärkung und Straffung der Muskulatur durch gezielte, kleine Bewegungen, die besonders die Beine, den Po und den Oberkörper formen, während gleichzeitig die Flexibilität und Körperhaltung verbessert werden.Die Ballett-Barre dient dabei nur als Unterstützung für dein Gleichgewicht, während wir zusätzlich mit Widerstandsbändern, Hanteln und Bällen arbeiten, um deine Muskulatur herauszufordern. Diese Klasse ist die perfekte Ergänzung zu deinen Pilates Reformer Workouts und eignet sich für alle Levels – auch Prä- und Postnatal. Expect an intensive full-body workout that combines elements of ballet, Pilates and strength training. It focuses on strengthening and toning the muscles through targeted, small movements that shape the legs, buttocks and upper body in particular, while improving flexibility and posture. The ballet barre only serves as a support for your balance, while we also work with resistance bands, dumbbells and balls to challenge your muscles. This class is the perfect complement to your Pilates Reformer workouts and is suitable for all levels - including pre- and postnatal.
- Adresse:
- Tallesbrunngasse 4, Top 1, 1190 Wien
- Mär
18:10 - 19:10 • 60 min
Barre ClubAnyone who wants an overall toning regimen should try barre. Barre is an innovative workout that combines slow movements with high-intensity intervals to work your entire body. It’s designed for people of all shapes and sizes, so it will challenge even the fittest athletes. The original and most beloved class at Barre Club - Barre SIGNATURE caters to all abilities and is always challenging. In this class, we use a combination of bodyweight resistance, light props, and high repetitions to exhaust all your major muscle groups. The constant change of choreography keeps your mind and muscles guessing. Prenatal clients are welcome to attend this class.
- Adresse:
- Schönbrunner Straße 83, 1050 Wien
- Mär
09:40 - 10:40 • 60 min
Barre ClubAnyone who wants an overall toning regimen should try barre. Barre is an innovative workout that combines slow movements with high-intensity intervals to work your entire body. It’s designed for people of all shapes and sizes, so it will challenge even the fittest athletes. The original and most beloved class at Barre Club - Barre SIGNATURE caters to all abilities and is always challenging. In this class, we use a combination of bodyweight resistance, light props, and high repetitions to exhaust all your major muscle groups. The constant change of choreography keeps your mind and muscles guessing. Prenatal clients are welcome to attend this class.
- Adresse:
- Schönbrunner Straße 83, 1050 Wien
- Mär
15:10 - 16:10 • 60 min
Barre ClubAnyone who wants an overall toning regimen should try barre. Barre is an innovative workout that combines slow movements with high-intensity intervals to work your entire body. It’s designed for people of all shapes and sizes, so it will challenge even the fittest athletes. The original and most beloved class at Barre Club - Barre SIGNATURE caters to all abilities and is always challenging. In this class, we use a combination of bodyweight resistance, light props, and high repetitions to exhaust all your major muscle groups. The constant change of choreography keeps your mind and muscles guessing. Prenatal clients are welcome to attend this class.
- Adresse:
- Schönbrunner Straße 83, 1050 Wien
- Mär
18:40 - 19:40 • 60 min
Barre ClubThis one-of-a-kind, unparalleled class is unlike anything you've experienced before. Barre Bee Hive combines holistic movement with unique elements that set it apart, including the integration of Tarot to inspire deeper self-reflection and connection. The method blends the foundational principles of barre with a gentle fusion of mental affirmations, creating a transformative mind-body experience. The core (your center) is strengthened and stabilized, both inside and out, while a regulated nervous system nurtures a grounded sense of body awareness. Through its structured yet graceful movements, this class cultivates balance, empowerment, and a renewed sense of harmony. With dynamic barre exercises to make you sweat and the wisdom of Tarot to guide your journey, it’s truly a practice that balances the body, mind, and soul. Let’s Bee Barre 🐝
- Adresse:
- Schönbrunner Straße 83, 1050 Wien
- Mär
09:30 - 10:30 • 60 min
Barre ClubAnyone who wants an overall toning regimen should try barre. Barre is an innovative workout that combines slow movements with high-intensity intervals to work your entire body. It’s designed for people of all shapes and sizes, so it will challenge even the fittest athletes. The original and most beloved class at Barre Club - Barre SIGNATURE caters to all abilities and is always challenging. In this class, we use a combination of bodyweight resistance, light props, and high repetitions to exhaust all your major muscle groups. The constant change of choreography keeps your mind and muscles guessing. Prenatal clients are welcome to attend this class.
- Adresse:
- Schönbrunner Straße 83, 1050 Wien
Barre-Training nach Level
Wonach suchst du?
Barre Club
5.018 Rezensionen2 Angebote für Neukund:innen- Adresse:
- Schönbrunner Straße 83 , 1050 Wien
- Angebote:
- Barre-Training
- Pilates
- Yoga
- Mehr...
Ab: € 17,00doktor yoga 1
4.9307 Rezensionen2 Angebote für Neukund:innen- Adresse:
- Passauer Platz 2, 1010 Wien
- Angebote:
- Barre-Training
- Pilates
- Yoga
- Mehr...
Ab: € 9,00PILATES BOUTIQUE - Reformer
4.7528 Rezensionen1 Angebot für Neukund:innen- Adresse:
- Please double-check which studio you booked your class at, - Wien
- Angebote:
- Barre-Training
- Pilates
- Yoga
- Mehr...
Ab: € 0,00doktor yoga 7
4.9179 Rezensionen2 Angebote für Neukund:innen- Adresse:
- Kirchengasse 1 - 4.Stock , 1070 Wien
- Angebote:
- Barre-Training
- Pilates
- Yoga
- Mehr...
Ab: € 9,00Body Concept Parisergasse
4.9159 Rezensionen1 Angebot für Neukund:innen- Adresse:
- Parisergasse 6, 1010 Wien
- Angebote:
- Barre-Training
- Pilates
- Yoga
- Mehr...
Ab: € 17,00doktor yoga 6
4.9150 Rezensionen2 Angebote für Neukund:innen- Adresse:
- Gumpendorfer Straße 132/2/2 , 1060 Wien
- Angebote:
- Barre-Training
- Pilates
- Yoga
- Mehr...
0.00 RezensionenKostenlos Schnuppern1 Angebot für Neukund:innen- Adresse:
- Elisabethgasse 11 , 3400 Weidling
- Angebote:
- Barre-Training
- Tanzen
- Kickboxen
- Mehr...
Ab: € 0,00NUJU
5.063 Rezensionen1 Angebot für Neukund:innen- Adresse:
- Tallesbrunngasse 4 , 1190 Wien
- Angebote:
- Barre-Training
- Stretching
- Gyrokinesis
- Mehr...
Ab: € 25,00GK Studio KG
4.7115 Rezensionen1 Angebot für Neukund:innen- Adresse:
- Alserbachstraße 11, 1090 Wien
- Angebote:
- Barre-Training
- Boxen
- Fitness
- Mehr...
Ab: € 10,00THE WYLD THING - 1070 Wien
4.888 Rezensionen1 Angebot für Neukund:innen- Adresse:
- Stiftgasse 6 , 1070 Wien
- Angebote:
- Barre-Training
- Pilates
- Yoga
- Mehr...
Ab: € 12,00Spring Dance
4.912 Rezensionen2 Angebote für Neukund:innen- Adresse:
- Rembrandtstraße 41 , 1020 Wien
- Angebote:
- Barre-Training
- Tanzen
- Ballett
- Mehr...
Ab: € 10,00W Pilates
5.04 Rezensionen1 Angebot für Neukund:innen- Adresse:
- Riemergasse 9 , 1010 Wien
- Angebote:
- Barre-Training
- Pilates
- Pilates Mat
- Mehr...
Ab: € 20,00